
Talking About Family Court Proceedings

Coping With Divorce While Pregnant

Your marriage can break down at any time, even when you are pregnant. However, pregnancy may complicate your divorce so you should know these three things if you intend to divorce while pregnant:

State Laws Will Affect Your Decision

Don't waste time preparing for divorce without knowing whether your state's laws allow people to divorce during pregnancy; some states don't allow it. Other states (such as Arkansas) allow you to file for divorce but won't grant you the final divorce agreement until after delivery. That requirement will affect your plans if you are in your first trimester and wanted a quick divorce.

The Timing May Affect the Paternity of the Baby

You should also know that the timing of your divorce agreement may affect your baby's paternity. Usually, your partner automatically becomes your baby's legal father if you deliver the baby before the divorce is finalized. However, depending on your state's law on the issue, this may not be necessarily true if you deliver the baby after the divorce is finalized.

The issue of paternity is serious and has long-term consequences because a legal father has some rights that other people don't have. For example, your baby's father has a say on your child's religion or schooling while others don't have that right. Therefore, know what you want and time your divorce to achieve it.

You May Start Child Support Negotiations

Lastly, if you have decided to go ahead with the divorce, you should know that you don't have to wait for your baby to be born to start child support negotiations; you can start the negotiations right away. In fact, it's advisable to start the negotiations so that the child support agreement becomes part of your divorce agreement. If you don't do that and wait until after the baby is born, you will have to go back to court for the child support hearing, which may be costly.

At the same time, you should check if your start laws allow you to demand support for pregnancy-related costs; some states do. In fact, some states will ask your partner to reimburse you for delivery-related costs if your partner doesn't pay their fair share of the costs during delivery.

It's clear that pregnancy complicates divorce, but it doesn't rule it out. You just need to be a little bit more careful and protective of your legal rights. The best way to do this is to consult an attorney immediately you have decided to divorce your partner.


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Talking About Family Court Proceedings

Hello, my name is Bridget Waller. Welcome to my site about family court proceedings. My involvement in family court was not a welcome one. Despite the difficulties experienced during that time, I focused on building my knowledge about family court proceedings rather than let the process bring me down. I created this site to share my knowledge with you all, in hopes that I can help others navigate family court proceedings with ease. I will explore every phase of the court process in great detail to help others better understand the proceedings. Please come by my site regularly to learn more. Thanks.
